Represents single airport
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Airport {
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- AirportCode! :
- String! @deprecated( reason: "Please use code field instead" ) :
- String! @deprecated( reason: "Please use code field instead" ) :
- String! @deprecated( reason: "Please use code field instead" ) :
- String! @deprecated( reason: "Please use code field instead" ) :
- String! @deprecated( reason: "Please use code field instead" ) :
- String! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Float! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Float! :
- Country :
- String :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Timezone :
- String! :
- String! :
- # Arguments
- # time: [Not documented]
- (
- DateTime :
- ): Int! @deprecated( reason: "Use `timezone.calculateUtcOffsetSeconds` field instead." )
- Int! :
- Boolean! :
- String! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- String! :
- String! :
- String! :
- AirportNotes! :
- ApiAirportSunriseSunset! :
- ApiAirportOpenHours! :
- # Requires access to resource GRAPHQL_AIRPORT_CATEGORY_SEE
- ApiAirportCategory!]! : [
- # Arguments
- # aircraft: [Not documented]
- AircraftQueryInput!): String! ( :
- String! :
- AirportDetails! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- AirportTag!]! : [
- }
link Require by
- ActivityInterfaceCommon interface for different activity types.
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftActivitiesItem
- AircraftAvailabilityRecordRepresents information about aircraft availability on specified location from specified time.
- AircraftFixedRouteAirportRepresents airports in order for given fixed route
- AircraftInsuranceExcludedCountryRepresents single country with allowed airports
- AircraftMaintenanceRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftPosition
- AircraftPreferredHandler
- AircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftReservationHistoryEntry
- AirportDate
- AirportDetails
- AirportDirectoryRepresents airport directory (i.e. handlers, fuel suppliers, hotels) data
- AirportHandlerRepresents handler
- AirportNearAircraftRangeRepresents single airport in aircraft range with distance of start airport.
- AlternatesForAirport
- AptdirHandlerRepresents single handling agent belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- CargoHandlingAdepChecklistItem
- CargoHandlingAdesChecklistItem
- ChecklistEmailConfigurationAirportNode for checklist email configuration airport
- ChecklistItemOffsetAirport
- ContactFlight
- ContactPreferredHandler
- CrewDutiesFilterValues of filter set in Crew Duties by particular user.
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewPanelActivityInterfaceCommon interface for different activity types.
- CrewPanelCrewQuerySection
- CrewPanelDutyRepresents single duty activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelDutyType
- CrewPanelFilterValues of filter set in Crew Panel by particular user.
- CrewPanelFlightRepresents single flight activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelFlightType
- CrewPanelHotelReservationEntry represents hotel reservation
- CrewPanelPositioningRepresents single positioning for crew panel
- CrewPanelPositioningType
- CrewPanelSafteFastCalculationResult
- CrewPanelSimulatorRepresents single simulator for Crew Panel. This can be actual activity or activity created or modified in Crew Panel drafts.
- CrewPanelSimulatorType
- CrewTravelPotentialPositioning
- CrewTravelToModifyPositioning
- DefaultPassengerData
- DutyRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- EstimatedTime
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- FlightWatchHistoryEntry
- FtlLegSchedule
- FtlSectorContains information regarding single FTL sector, which is a part of FTL duty.
- FuelPriceOutput
- HandlingAdepChecklistItem
- HandlingAdesChecklistItem
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- JourneyLogHistoryEntry
- Leg
- LimousineAdepChecklistItem
- LimousineAdesChecklistItem
- LoginRepresents login data (like login, code, etc in application) in Leon
- MaintenanceHistoryEntry
- MyAircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- OperatorSimulatorSettings
- OpsFuelOrderMessageType
- PaxTransportAdepChecklistItem
- PaxTransportAdesChecklistItem
- PersonalAirportEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement for airport
- PositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity.
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteRealizationAptSubPriceRepresents single element from quote airport prices.
- QuoteRealizationLegRepresents single quote realization leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRequestLegRepresents single quote request leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- RequiredHotelReservationRepresents single hotel reservation required for a crew member
- RfqQuoteLeg
- SchedExcelFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SchedFlightRepresents single SCHED flight.
- Simulator
- SlotAdepChecklistItem
- SlotAdesChecklistItem
- SsimFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SubcharterModifiedLeg
- TimeReservationRepresents time reservation for arbitrary activity.