Toggle for timeZone
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input TimeZoneToggle {
- Int! :
- TimezoneToggleEnum! :
- }
link Require by
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewPanelRepresents fields available for Crew Panel module
- CrewPanelDutyMutationSection
- CrewPanelDutySection
- CrewPanelHotelReservationMutationSection
- CrewPanelMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Crew Panel node
- CrewPanelPositioningMutationSection
- CrewPanelSubscriptionSectionSubscriptions related to Crew Panel module.
- HistoryMutationSection
- LoggedUserLogged user data
- MySchedule
- Simulator
- SimulatorMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of simulators