A "null" as string will clear the resource.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar ApiPhoneScalar
link Require by
- ContactPhoneInput
- CrewMemberCreateInputRepresents data for creating single crew member.
- CrewMemberUpdateInputRepresents data for updating single crew member. Null values will be ignored.
- FlightCustomerOAuthPaxInput
- PhonebookCompanyCreateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookCompanyUpdateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookCreateAccountAssignedContactInput
- PhonebookPersonCreateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookPersonUpdateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeCreateInputRepresents company representative input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeUpdateInputRepresents company representative input type
- QuoteRequestWithWebhookRepresentative
- QuoteRequestWithWebhookRequester