The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to
represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AcceptRequestListViolationnull
- AccessTokenRepresents single access token
- AccessTokenMutation
- AcftDistanceProfileRepresents single aircraft distance profile.
- AcftFileRepresents aircraft file list
- AcftFilterRepresents single aircraft filter
- AcftModelFlightTimeCalculation
- AcftModelFlightTimeCalculationInput
- AcftPosRepresents aircraft position type
- AcftPriceFeeRepresents single element from aircraft price fee.
- AcftPriceListRepresents aircraft price list
- AcftVirtualRepresents single virtual aircraft
- activeModuleRepresents single active operator module
- activeModuleForAircraftRepresents single active operator module for aircraft
- activeModuleForAircraftInputRepresents single active operator module for aircraft
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftActivitiesItem
- AircraftActivitiesLift
- AircraftAmenitiesInputRepresents single aircraft amenities type
- AircraftAmenitiesTypeRepresents single aircraft amenities type
- AircraftCategoryRepresents single airport category.
- AircraftCreateData for create single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftDocumentRepresents documents for single aircraft.
- AircraftDocumentDefinition
- AircraftDocumentHistoryEntry
- AircraftDocumentInput
- AircraftDocumentType
- AircraftEmailTemplate
- AircraftEngine
- AircraftFileData for create single aircraft file
- AircraftFixedBasePositioningPolicySalesSetting
- AircraftFixedRouteRepresents fixed routes for given aircraft
- AircraftFloatingBasePositioningPolicySalesSetting
- AircraftInsurance
- AircraftInsuranceInputIdentification for existing aircraft insurance.
- AircraftMaintenanceRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftMaintenanceCreateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftMaintenanceUpdateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftMutation
- AircraftMutationPutExternalIdViolationnull
- AircraftPerformanceSpeedRepresents single aircraft performance speed.
- AircraftPerformanceSpeedInputAircraft performance speed
- AircraftPriceListFeeCateringInput
- AircraftPriceListFeeDiscountInput
- AircraftPriceListMutationSection
- AircraftPriceListMutationSectionCreateListViolationnull
- AircraftPriceListMutationSectionUpdateListViolationnull
- AircraftPriceListThresholdHoursFeeInput
- AircraftQueryInputRepresents an aircraft in query inputs
- AircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftReservationHistoryEntry
- AircraftSalesSettings
- AircraftSalesSettingsInput
- AircraftSimple
- AircraftTahTacDataInput
- AircraftTypeRepresents single aircraft type
- AircraftUpdateData for modifying single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AirportRepresents single airport
- AirportCodeContains all available airport codes along with the most descriptive one
- AirportDetails
- AirportDirectoryRepresents airport directory (i.e. handlers, fuel suppliers, hotels) data
- AirportDirectoryIrregularHoursMutation
- AirportDirectoryServicesOnFutureFlightsHandlerResult
- AirportDirectoryServicesOnFutureFlightsSupplierResult
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsAircraft
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsSegment
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsTrip
- AirportNotesRepresents notes
- AirportNotesUpdateInputData for updating an existing airport notes
- AirportPriceListAsCsvAirportPriceListAsCsv
- AirportPriceListItemInput
- AirportPriceListItemQueryLanguageQuery
- AirportPriceListItemQueryLanguageSchemaFieldList
- AirportPriceListItemQueryLanguageValidationResult
- AirportPriceListMutationSection
- AirportQueryInputRepresents an airport in query inputs
- AirportSubPriceInput
- AirportTag
- AmosIntegrationConfiguration
- AmosIntegrationMutation
- AOCAOC associated with operator
- AocInputType
- ApiAircraftSimpleFileRepresents single aircraft picture
- ApiAirportCategoryRepresents single airport aircraft category
- ApiAirportOpenHoursRepresents info when the airport is open
- ApiAirportSunriseSunsetRepresents the time of sun rise and sun set
- ApiDutyAccountDefinitionInputRepresents set of duty account definition.
- ApiDutyFromWorkPlanInputRepresents set of duty data to set on particular duty from work plan.
- ApiDutyInputRepresents set of duty data to set on particular duty.
- ApiKeyRepresents single API key belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ApiKeyCreateData for creating single API key belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ApiKeyHistory
- ApiKeyUpdateData for modifying single API key belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ApiQuoteRealizationDefaultInvoiceBuyerRepresents buyer in default quote invoice, data from contacts.
- ApiQuoteRealizationInvoiceBuyerRepresents buyer in invoice.
- ApiResourceRepresents single API resource.
- ApiSalesSubscriptionSubscriptions related to sales operations
- AptdirCountryNotes
- AptdirHandlerRepresents single handling agent belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AptdirRestriction
- AptdirSupplier
- AptdirTag
- AptPriceFee
- AptPriceFeeOperator
- AptPriceListRepresents airport price list
- AptPriceListItem
- AviapagesFlightTimeCalculation
- AviapagesFlightTimeCalculationInput
- AvinodeFlightTimeCalculation
- AvinodeFlightTimeCalculationInput
- Checklist
- ChecklistDefTypeRepresents single checklistDefinition
- ChecklistExtra
- ChecklistFileTypeRepresents single Checklist file
- ChecklistItem
- ChecklistItemInputChecklist item input
- ChecklistItemLinkInputChecklist item link input
- ChecklistItemStatusResetRule
- ChecklistMutationNode for checklist mutation
- ChecklistMutationChangeFuelReleaseStatusViolationnull
- ChecklistSection
- ChecklistSectionOrder
- ChecklistStatusTypeRepresents single checklist status
- ContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon
- ContactAddress
- ContactAddressInput
- ContactAvinode
- ContactBasicHistoryData
- ContactBasicHistorySnapshotRepresents basic history for a contact.
- ContactCategory
- ContactCreateInputData for creating contact
- ContactDetailsHistoryAddress
- ContactDetailsHistoryCustomerCommission
- ContactDetailsHistoryData
- ContactDetailsHistoryPayment
- ContactDetailsHistoryPhone
- ContactDetailsHistoryPreferredHandlingAgent
- ContactDetailsHistoryQuote
- ContactDetailsHistorySnapshotRepresents details history for a contact.
- ContactDocumentsHistoryNationalId
- ContactDocumentsHistoryPassport
- ContactDocumentsHistorySnapshotRepresents documents history for a contact.
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVaccination
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVisa
- ContactDuplicationFilter
- ContactEmail
- ContactEmailInput
- ContactFlight
- ContactInfo
- ContactInfoInput
- ContactInvoice
- ContactListByPageViolationnull
- ContactPhone
- ContactPhoneInput
- ContactQueryNode for contact queries
- ContactSearchFilterInput
- ContactUpdateInputData for updating an existing contact
- ContactVaccination
- ContactVaccinationInput
- ContactWithEmailByWildcardViolationnull
- ContactWorkEmailData
- Continent
- Contract
- ContractInput
- ContractQueryNode for contract queries
- CountryRepresents single country
- CountryDirectoryQuery
- CountryGroup
- CountryGroupQuery
- CountryLandingPermit
- CountryLandingPermitInput
- CountryOverflightPermit
- CountryOverflightPermitInput
- CountryRequiredLandingPermit
- CountryRequiredOverflightPermit
- CountrySetting
- CountrySettingInputType
- CreateHoldItemInput
- CreateSubscriptionWebhookViolationnull
- CreditNoteRepresents credit note.
- CreditNoteInputCredit note
- CreditNoteItemRepresents single credit note item
- CreditNoteItemInput
- CrewAppAircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAirportRepresents single airport restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAirportNotesRepresents notes restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAOCAOC associated with operator restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAptdirHandlerRepresents single handling agent belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAptdirRestriction
- CrewAppAptdirSupplier
- CrewAppChecklistDefTypeRepresents single checklistDefinition restricted for crew app
- CrewAppChecklistItemChecklist item restricted for crew app
- CrewAppChecklistStatusTypeRepresents single checklist status restricted for crew app
- CrewAppContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon restricted for crew app
- CrewAppContactInfo
- CrewAppCountryRepresents single country restricted for crew app
- CrewAppCrewMemberOnLeg
- CrewAppDocumentElementDocument element restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppFileSimple
- CrewAppFlightRepresents single flight activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppFlightFuelSupplier
- CrewAppFlightNotesTypeFlight notes restricted for crew app
- CrewAppFlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg restricted for crew app
- CrewAppHil
- CrewAppHotelRepresents single hotel belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppLegPermit
- CrewAppLoginRepresents login data (like login, code, etc in application) in Leon restricted for crew app
- CrewAppNationalId
- CrewAppPassengerContact
- CrewAppPassengerList
- CrewAppPassport
- CrewAppPositionRepresents position for aircraft restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppPositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppScheduleAircraftFilter
- CrewAppScheduleAircraftFilterInput
- CrewAppScheduleDuty
- CrewAppScheduleFlight
- CrewAppScheduleMaintenance
- CrewAppSchedulePositioning
- CrewAppScheduleReservation
- CrewAppScheduleSimulator
- CrewAppTagDefinition
- CrewAppTripRepresents single trip belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppTripNotes
- crewList
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewMemberAirportEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of airport personal endorsement
- CrewMemberCreateInputRepresents data for creating single crew member.
- CrewMemberCurrency
- CrewMemberCurrencySectionStatusListViolationnull
- CrewMemberDutiesDetailsContains information about details of duties amounts for crew member.
- CrewMemberDutyAccountInputRepresents data for crew member duty account.
- CrewMemberDutyAccountMutationSectionSetListViolationnull
- CrewMemberDutyAccountMutationSectionUpdateViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementFilterInputRepresents data for filter endorsement list.
- CrewMemberEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of personal endorsement
- CrewMemberEndorsementMutationPutAirportRecencyViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementMutationPutOnlineFamiliarizationViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementMutationPutPersonalEndorsementViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementMutationPutViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementSectionGetAirportEndorsementViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementSectionGetPersonalEndorsementViolationnull
- CrewMemberEndorsementSectionStatusListViolationnull
- CrewMemberExternalEndorsementInputTypeData for creation and updating of personal endorsement form external source
- CrewMemberHighestRank
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceMutationSectionCreateViolationnull
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceMutationSectionDeleteViolationnull
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceMutationSectionPutViolationnull
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceMutationSectionUpdateViolationnull
- CrewMemberMutationExperiencedRatingContains information about rating. Use either aircraftRegistration or aircraftEasa!
- CrewMemberMutationRating
- CrewMemberNationalIdMutationSection
- CrewMemberOnLeg
- CrewMemberOnLegRestrictedContains basic information about crew member on flight.
- CrewMemberPassportMutationSection
- CrewMemberPositionTypePerAircraftType
- CrewMemberTravelDocumentRepresents documents for crew members.
- CrewMemberUpdateInputRepresents data for updating single crew member. Null values will be ignored.
- CrewMemberVaccinationMutationSectionDeleteUsingExternalIdViolationnull
- CrewMemberVaccinationMutationSectionPutUsingExternalIdViolationnull
- CrewMemberVisaMutationSection
- CrewNotesUpdateInputData required for updating existing crew note.
- CrewPanelActivityHistoryDutyEntry represents duty state at current timestamp
- CrewPanelActivityHistoryFlightEntry represents flight state at current timestamp
- CrewPanelActivityHistoryPositioningEntry represents positioning state at current timestamp
- CrewPanelAirportCodeRepresents an airport code - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelContactRepresents contact data - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelContactLabelRepresents label - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelCrewMemberRepresents a person - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelCrewMemberOnPositioning
- CrewPanelCrewMutationSectionSwapBetweenFlightsViolationnull
- CrewPanelCrewOnPositioningInput
- CrewPanelCrewQuerySectionAvailableForSwapBetweenFlightsViolationnull
- CrewPanelDayConfirmationStatusRepresents a confirmation status for day and login
- CrewPanelDutyRepresents single duty activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelDutyType
- CrewPanelFlightRepresents single flight activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelFlightTraining
- CrewPanelHighestRank
- CrewPanelHistoryInterfaceCommon interface for different history types types.
- CrewPanelHotelReservationEntry represents hotel reservation
- CrewPanelNotes
- CrewPanelPosition
- CrewPanelPositioningRepresents single positioning for crew panel
- CrewPanelPositioningInput
- CrewPanelSafteFastCalculationResult
- CrewPanelSimulatorRepresents single simulator for Crew Panel. This can be actual activity or activity created or modified in Crew Panel drafts.
- CrewPanelSimulatorInputData for creation of single simulator on Crew Panel.
- CrewPanelStartSafteFastMultiCrewCalculationViolationnull
- CrewPanelSubscriptionSectionSubscriptions related to Crew Panel module.
- CrewTravelPotentialPositioning
- CrewTravelSabreImportErrorRepresents single error in import
- CrewTravelToModifyPositioning
- CrewTravelToModifyPositioningSequence
- CrossOperatorFlightSupportSettingsMutation
- CurrencyType
- DeclineRequestListViolationnull
- DelayCodeDescription
- DeleteSanctionListLinksViolationnull
- DocumentDataDocument data.
- DocumentElementDocument element.
- DocumentFileData
- DocumentManagerAiAssistantAddMessageToThreadInput
- DocumentManagerAiAssistantCreateThreadInput
- DocumentManagerAiAssistantPartsExtractorResult
- DocumentManagerGraphqlParamInput
- DocumentManagerImportFormatSettingsPdfAndHtml
- DocumentManagerImportFormatSettingsXls
- DocumentManagerSection
- DocumentTemplateVersion
- DocumentTypeInput
- DocusignEmailInput
- DocusignIntegrationStatusWithEnvelope
- DuplicationContact
- DuplicationContactPassport
- DutyRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyAccount
- DutyAccountDefinitionRepresents single duty account definition
- DutyAccountScheduledChangeInput
- DutyClockInOutData according duty clock in and clock out
- DutyDefinitionRepresents single duty definition
- DutyDefinitionQuerySection
- DutyDefinitionQuerySectionDataViolationnull
- DutyForSubscriptionRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyListEditInputSet of data for editing common duty data.
- DutyRequestInputRepresents set of duty request data
- DutyRequestSectionMutationDeleteViolationnull
- DutyTagDefinition
- DutyViolationnull
- DutyWorkPlanRepresents single work plan
- EapisRepresents single eAPIS contact data belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- EapisChecklistItem
- EmailAttachmentInputEmail attachment input
- EmailDataInput
- EmailInputRepresents email input
- EmailTemplateRepresents single email template
- EmailTemplateData
- EmailTemplateQueryNode for email template queries
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- Endorsement
- EndorsementMutationSection
- EndorsementMutationSectionCreateExternalDefinitionViolationnull
- EndorsementMutationSectionDeleteExternalForCrewMemberViolationnull
- EndorsementMutationSectionPutExternalForCrewMemberViolationnull
- EndorsementQuerySectionGetViolationnull
- EngineOilUplift
- Error
- ExternalEndorsement
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthAircraft
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthClientInput
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthQuoteRequest
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthTrip
- ExternalMarketplaceQuery
- ExternalServiceMessageAttachmentInput
- ExternalServiceMessageInput
- FatigueRiskManagementDutyFatigue Risk Management Duty
- FeasibilityCheckInfoRepresents single feasibility check information.
- FeasibilityType
- FeatureTogglesMutation
- FeatureTogglesQuery
- FerryFlightOutput
- FerryFlightPricing
- FerryFlightPricingMutationCreateOrUpdateViolationnull
- FerryFlightPricingMutationDeleteViolationnull
- FerryFlightPricingOutput
- FileRepresents file
- FileInput
- FileOutputType
- FilePathInput
- FileSimple
- FilterPreset
- FilterPresetMutation
- FilterPresetQuery
- FindCompanyDuplicatesInput
- FindCompanyDuplicatesResponse
- FleetDocumentType
- FleetPlanningTripWarning
- FleetQuerySection
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightCountryPermitInput
- FlightCreateData for create single flight
- FlightCrewMutationSetReportingTimeViolationnull
- FlightCustomerFlight
- FlightCustomerOAuthPaxInput
- FlightCustomerPax
- FlightFuelPricesMutationDeleteFuelPricesViolationnull
- FlightFuelPricesMutationPutFuelPricesViolationnull
- FlightFuelPricesWithWarningsOutput
- FlightFuelSupplier
- FlightNotesTypeFlight notes
- FlightOps
- FlightPermitMutationMutation to change flight permits.
- FlightsQueryNode for flights queries
- FlightSupportAircraft
- FlightSupportAircraftDocument
- FlightSupportAircraftType
- FlightSupportAirport
- FlightSupportAirportCode
- FlightSupportChecklistItem
- FlightSupportCountry
- FlightSupportCrewMember
- FlightSupportCrewMemberLicense
- FlightSupportFile
- FlightSupportFlight
- FlightSupportFlightQuery
- FlightSupportFlightWatchInputFlight Watch input data for Flight Supports
- FlightSupportFuelChecklistItem
- FlightSupportManagedOperator
- FlightSupportMessage
- FlightSupportMessageType
- FlightSupportMutation
- FlightSupportPassengerContact
- FlightSupportService
- FlightSupportServiceInput
- FlightSupportServiceRequestInput
- FlightSupportSlotChecklistItem
- FlightSupportTravelDocument
- FlightTrainingCreateInputData required for creation of a new flight training.
- FlightTrainingUpdateInputData required for updating existing flight trainings.
- FlightUpdateData for update single flight
- FlightUpdateInputData for update single flight
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- FlightWatchHistoryEntry
- FlightWatchInputFlight Watch input data
- ForeFlightFlightTimeCalculation
- ForeFlightFlightTimeCalculationInput
- ForeFlightQuery
- FtlCalculations
- FtlDayOffWithLimit
- FtlLimitedValue
- FtlSectorContains information regarding single FTL sector, which is a part of FTL duty.
- FtlSettingsList of FTL Settings.
- FuelPriceInput
- FuelPriceInputBasic
- FuelPriceOutput
- FuelSupplierRepresents single fuel supplier belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- GetFlightChecklistItemDueDateListViolationnull
- GovLinkListInputGovLink item input
- GovlinkMutation
- Hil
- HilHistoryEntry
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculation
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculationInput
- HistoryActivityCrewReportingTimeRepresents reporting time state at given timestamp
- HistoryActivityDutyRepresents duty state at given timestamp
- HistoryActivityFlightRepresents flight state at given timestamp
- HistoryActivityInterfaceInterface for different history activity types.
- HistoryActivityPositioningRepresents positioning state at given timestamp
- HistoryChangeRepresents single change in history
- HistoryMutationSectionUpdateRosterChangesStatusViolationnull
- HistoryValue
- HotelRepresents single hotel belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- HotelForModificationRepresents hotel reservation that does not correspond to any required reservation.
- HotelReservationField represent one hotel reservation
- HotelReservationInputRepresents set of hotel reservation data.
- HoursRecurrenceRepresents hours recurrence entry
- HoursRecurrenceInput
- IataMessageData
- IataMessagesMutationIATA messages mutation
- IataMessagesQueryNode for IATA messages
- IgnoreViolationnull
- IntegrationAircraftDocument
- IntegrationAircraftDocumentInput
- IntegrationAvinode
- IntegrationBaseTrip
- IntegrationFleetMutationRemoveAircraftDocumentViolationnull
- IntegrationFleetMutationSetFleetDocumentListViolationnull
- IntegrationFleetQueryFleetDocumentDefinitionListViolationnull
- IntegrationFleetQueryFleetDocumentListViolationnull
- IntegrationQueries
- IntegrationSchedMutationCreateSchedFlightListViolationnull
- InteractiveAPIChecklistItemInputInteractive API active input
- InteractiveApiCrewMemberDetails
- InteractiveApiReport
- InteractiveApiReportInput
- InteractiveApiReportStatus
- InteractiveApiReportStatusAuthorityEuLisa
- InteractiveApiReportStatusInput
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- JourneyLogConfigurableFieldItem
- JourneyLogConfigurationAircraftOilUplift
- JourneyLogConfigurationDefaultUnits
- JourneyLogConfigurationField
- JourneyLogConfigurationMultipleInputs
- JourneyLogDelay
- JourneyLogHistoryEntry
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogInputNewJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogMutationNode for Journey Log modifications
- JourneyLogMutationNewNode for Journey Log modifications
- JourneyLogMutationNewCancelJourneyLogViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewCreateJourneyLogViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewCreateOrModifyJourneyLogViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewDeleteJourneyLogAllFilesViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewDeleteJourneyLogViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewModifyJourneyLogViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewReplaceJourneyLogAllFilesViolationnull
- JourneyLogMutationNewUploadJourneyLogFileViolationnull
- JourneyLogQueryNode for Journey Log queries
- KeyValueStoreMutation
- LabelRepresents contact label in Leon
- LabelInputLabel input
- LanguageLanguage
- LanguagesQuery
- Last36hRestFtlLimitedValue
- Leg
- LegEndUser
- LegGovlinkProcess
- LegGovlinkProcessInputData for Leg GOVlink process
- LegHandlingRepresents handler information relevant to given flight.
- LegMission
- LegMissionInputData for Leg mission
- LegPermit
- LegPermitInputData for create or update leg permit
- LegPnrGoProcess
- LegPnrGoProcessInputData for Leg PNR GO process
- LeonMarketplaceAircraftSearchResult
- LeonMarketplaceCompany
- LeonMarketplaceMutation
- LeonMarketplaceQuery
- LeonMarketplaceRequestAircraftForItineraryInput
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListFile
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListLeg
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListLegInput
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListPassenger
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListTravelDocument
- Link
- LinkInput
- ListOfStringValuenull
- LoggedUserLogged user data
- LoggedUserChecklistSectionOrder
- LoggedUserDutyMutationUpdateDutyHoursViolationnull
- LoggedUserMutation
- LoggedUserMutationEditOwnEndorsementViolationnull
- LoggedUserMutationRemoveMobileDeviceTokenViolationnull
- LoggedUserRole
- LoginRepresents login data (like login, code, etc in application) in Leon
- MailboxConfig
- MailboxConfigAuthorization
- MailboxConfigAuthorize
- MailboxConfigEmptyFolderList
- MailboxConfigFolderList
- MailboxConfigInputType for creating and updating mailbox configuration
- MailboxConfigOAuthResult
- MailboxConfigQuerySection
- MailboxConfigSubscriptionSection
- MailboxConfigValidateInputType for creating and updating mailbox configuration
- MailboxMessageContent of mailbox message
- MailboxMessageAttachmentIdentifier for a single attachment
- MaintenanceCollisions
- MaintenanceHistoryEntry
- MaintenanceQueryNode for maintenance queries
- MarketplaceRepresents sales marketplace in Leon
- MarketplaceMessageInput
- MiraipayMutationNode for Miraipay mutations
- MiraipayOrderRepresents Miraipay order.
- Money
- MultiLegGroup
- MultiLegRequest
- MutationRepresents all mutations exposed by Leon API
- MvtRule
- MvtRuleSection
- MvtRuleType
- MyAircraftRepresents single aircraft for logged user
- MyAircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- MyContact
- MyCrewMemberOnLeg
- MyDutyRequest
- MyDutyTypeNode represent one duty data
- MyDutyViolationnull
- MyHotelReservationNode represent one hotel reservation
- MyJourneyLogNode represent one journey log data
- MyLegNode represent one leg data
- MyLegOwnerPassengerListViolationnull
- MyLogbook
- MyLogbookPerson
- MyOperator
- MyPersonalEndorsement
- MySkyQuoteRealization
- MyTripNode represent one trip data
- MyTrRevisionNode represent one activity row owned by logged user
- NationalId
- NationalIdHistory
- NationalIdInputData for creating a national id, must be used in context of some contact
- NationalIdPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a national id.
- NavBlueIntegrationConfiguration
- NavBlueIntegrationMutation
- NonNullListOfNonNullStringValuenull
- NonNullStringValuenull
- OAuthAuthorizationUrl
- Offer
- OperatorRepresents operator data in Leon
- OperatorAgreement
- OperatorBaseRepresents single Operator Base belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- OperatorChecklistSettingsMutation
- OperatorTripTypeSettingsOperator trip type settings
- OpsDocumentMessageType
- OpsFuelOrderMessageType
- OtherPriceMutation
- OwnerAppMutation
- OwnerAppPaxQueryNode for Owner App PAX queries
- OwnerAppQuoteRequestDocument
- OwnerBoardRoleConfigTypeOwner Board role configuration
- Pairing
- PairingInputRepresents single Schedule pairing data
- PairingLocalTimeInputRepresents single Schedule pairing data
- PairingRosterizeInput
- PassengerContactRepresents single passenger contact
- PassengerContactDetailsInputPassenger details input.
- PassengerContactHistory
- PassengerForTravelDocuments
- PassengerForTravelDocumentsDocumentInput
- PassengerForTravelDocumentsInput
- PassengerListInformation about passengers either as contacts or in textual form
- PassengerListHistory
- PassengerListMutationNode for passenger list modifications
- PassengerTextInputPassenger input with count and text
- PassportHistory
- PassportInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportOutput
- PassportPutInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportUpdateInputData for updating a passport.
- PassportVisa
- PassportVisaPutInputData for creating a visa, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportVisaPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a visa.
- PassportVisaType
- PaxFilesSanctionedPerson
- PaxFilesSearchName
- PaxFilesTripPax
- PaymentBillingOptions
- PersonalAirportEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement for airport
- PersonalAirportEndorsementSnapshotRepresents changed data in personal airport endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementInterfaceCommon interface for personal endorsement.
- PersonalEndorsementSnapshotRepresents changed data in personal endorsement
- PersRatingsRepresents personal rating for aircraft
- PhonebookCompanyCreateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookCompanyUpdateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookContactAccountingSettings
- PhonebookContactAccountingSettingsInput
- PhonebookContactAccounts
- PhonebookContactCommission
- PhonebookContactList
- PhonebookContactPayment
- PhonebookContactPaymentInput
- PhonebookContactPersonDetails
- PhonebookContactPersonDetailsInput
- PhonebookExcelType
- PhonebookFilter
- PhonebookGetAssignedContactsResponse
- PhonebookGetExportHistoryForContact
- PhonebookPassportCreateInput
- PhonebookPassportVisaInput
- PhonebookPersonCreateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookPersonUpdateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookQuerySectionShares client data
- PhonebookRepresentativeCreateInputRepresents company representative input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeUpdateInputRepresents company representative input type
- PnrGoMutation
- PnrGoQuery
- PnrGoSanctionListInputPnrGo Sanction List item input
- PositionRepresents position for aircraft
- PositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity.
- PositioningCreateStores data for “add positioning” operation
- PositioningHistoryData
- PositioningHistorySnapshotRepresents history for a positioning.
- PositioningUpdateData for modifying single positioning
- PositionName
- PricingRepresents detailed quote pricing for quote realization.
- PrivilegesQueryNode for privileges queries
- ProformaInvoiceRepresents proforma invoice.
- ProformaInvoiceInputProforma invoice
- ProformaInvoiceItemRepresents single proforma invoice item
- ProformaInvoiceItemInput
- ProviderBasicData
- PublicationHistory
- PutSanctionListViolationnull
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteCancellationReasonInput
- QuoteCarbonOffsetDefinition
- QuoteChangeStatusAvinodeContractInput
- QuoteChangeStatusMutation
- QuoteDefaultInvoiceRepresents default quote invoice based on client.
- QuoteInvoiceInputRepresents invoice data to create.
- QuoteInvoiceItemInputInvoice item input type.
- QuoteMessageAttachmentInputType
- QuoteMessageInputType
- QuotePaxListInput
- QuoteRealizationRepresents single quote realization belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRealizationAcftPriceRepresents single element from quote aircraft prices.
- QuoteRealizationAircraftPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationAircraftPriceInput
- QuoteRealizationAirportPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationAirportPriceInput
- QuoteRealizationAirportSubPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationAptPriceRepresents single element from quote airport prices.
- QuoteRealizationAptSubPriceRepresents single element from quote airport prices.
- QuoteRealizationAvinodeAircraft
- QuoteRealizationDefaultInvoiceItemRepresents default invoice item in default invoice
- QuoteRealizationHistory
- QuoteRealizationInput
- QuoteRealizationInvoiceRepresents quote realization invoice.
- QuoteRealizationInvoiceItemRepresents single quote invoice item
- QuoteRealizationLegRepresents single quote realization leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRealizationLegHistory
- QuoteRealizationLegInput
- QuoteRealizationLegNotes
- QuoteRealizationLegNotesInput
- QuoteRealizationNotes
- QuoteRealizationNotesInput
- QuoteRealizationOtherPriceOther price for quote realization
- QuoteRealizationOtherPriceExternalInput
- QuoteRealizationOtherPriceGroupOther price group
- QuoteRealizationOtherPriceGroupInput
- QuoteRealizationOtherPriceInput
- QuoteRealizationPricingHistory
- QuoteRealizationSubcharterRepresents single quote realization with subcharter
- QuoteRealizationSubcharterFileInput
- QuoteRealizationSubcharterInput
- QuoteRealizationTaxPriceTax price for quote realization
- QuoteRealizationTaxPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationTaxPriceInput
- QuoteRealizationWithoutAccess
- QuoteRequestRepresents single quote request belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRequestAircraft
- QuoteRequestAircraftHistory
- QuoteRequestAvinodeStatus
- QuoteRequestAvinodeTrip
- QuoteRequestBuyer
- QuoteRequestEditWithQuotesInput
- QuoteRequesterListStatsRepresents list statistics for requester
- QuoteRequesterListStatsRowRepresents single row statistics for requester
- QuoteRequesterStatusStatsRepresents status statistics for requester
- QuoteRequesterStatusStatsChartDataRepresents status chart data for single status for requester
- QuoteRequestHistory
- QuoteRequestMessage
- QuoteRequestMessageAttachmentIdIdentifier for a single attachment to quote request message.
- QuoteRequestMessageContentContent of single quote request message.
- QuoteRequestMessageReceivedInformation about newly received quote request message.
- QuoteRequestRejectDetails
- QuoteRequestStatus
- QuoteRequestSubcharterRequest
- QuoteRequestSubcharterRequestAircraft
- QuoteRequestTag
- QuoteRequestTagInputQuote request tag
- QuoteRequestWithWebhook
- QuoteRequestWithWebhookRepresentative
- QuoteRequestWithWebhookRequester
- QuoteStatusChangeValidationResult
- QuoteTripDeleteInput
- RechargeInvoiceRepresents recharge invoice.
- RechargeInvoiceInputRecharge invoice
- RechargeInvoiceItemRepresents single recharge invoice item
- RechargeInvoiceItemInput
- RegCauseType
- RegulationCause
- RemoveByPnrViolationnull
- ReportWizardColumnRepresents report wizard column definition
- ReportWizardMutationReport Wizard
- ReportWizardQuery
- ReportWizardRequestedReportRepresents report wizard requested report
- ReportWizardRequestedReportsMutation
- ReportWizardScheduleRepresents single report wizard schedule.
- ReportWizardScopeRepresents report wizard column scope
- ReportWizardSharedLinkRepresents report wizard shared link
- ReportWizardTypeRepresents single report from Report Wizard.
- RequestInputType
- ReservationMutationNode for reservation mutation
- ReservationQueryNode for reservation queries
- RestFacilityRepresents single in-flight rest facility within single aircraft.
- RfqPricingRepresents request for quote single aircraft pricing.
- RfqPricingInputInput for rfq pricing
- Role
- RoleAircraftListHistoryEntry
- RolePlacePermission
- RolePlacesHistoryEntry
- RoleUsersHistoryEntry
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionAddActivitiesViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionClearCrewViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionCreateViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionRemoveActivitiesViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionRemoveCrewViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionRemoveViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionReplaceCrewViolationnull
- RosterizePairingMutationSectionUpdateViolationnull
- RosterizePositioningMutationSectionDeleteViolationnull
- RosterizePositioningMutationSectionUpdateViolationnull
- RouteFinderCountry
- RouteFinderFlightRoute
- RouteFinderFlightTimeCalculation
- RouteFinderFlightTimeCalculationInput
- RouteFinderQuery
- SafetyRatingsRepresents single safety ratings
- SaftefastCalculationStartResult
- SalesApplyFlightTimeLeg
- SalesApplyFlightTimeLegInput
- SalesBuyerInputRepresents buyer input
- SalesCarbonOffsetDefinitionInput
- SalesDefaultNotesSales quote default notes
- SalesFeasibilitySettingRepresents one setting for feasibility in sales panel
- SalesFeasibilitySettingInput
- SalesFindAircraftInit
- SalesFindAircraftResult
- SalesforceFindLogSuccessResult
- SalesforceLogListSnapshot
- SalesforceLogSnapshot
- SalesforceLogsQuery
- SalesInvoicesQuery
- SalesMessagesMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Sales messages node
- SalesMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Sales node
- SalesMySkyQuotesCalculation
- SalesQueryNode for Sales queries
- SalesQuoteFeasibilityResultMessageRepresents feasibility result for single message in quote itinerary
- SalesTripSummaryAirport
- SalesTripSummaryChecklistStatusRepresents single checklist status
- SalesTripSummaryContact
- SalesTripSummaryCrew
- SalesTripSummaryHandler
- SalesTripSummaryLeg
- SalesTripSummaryLegAircraft
- SalesTripSummaryPassenger
- SalesTripSummarySupplier
- SchedExcelFileParseResponseParse excel file response.
- SchedExcelFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SchedExcelFlightInputSCHED excel flight data input
- SchedExcelFlightModificationInputExcel data to modify SCHED flight
- SchedFlightRepresents single SCHED flight.
- SchedFlightColor
- SchedSpecifiedFlightInput
- ScheduleMutationNode for Schedule modifications
- ScheduleQueryNode for Schedule queries
- SchedVersionNode for SCHED version
- SecurityIncidentContactContact that manages security incidents
- SetAutoCloseThresholdViolationnull
- SetAvgasFuelDensityViolationnull
- SetChecklistItemOperatorLinkListViolationnull
- SetDaysToKeepJLFilesViolationnull
- SetInteractiveAPIChecklistItemViolationnull
- SetJetFuelDensityViolationnull
- SetSecurityIncidentContactDataInput
- settingsSales
- SimpleAirportTypeRepresents single airport
- SimpleRole
- Simulator
- SimulatorInputData for mutating simulator
- SimulatorTag
- SimulatorTagInputQuote request tag
- SsimFileParseResponseParse SSIM file response.
- SsimFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SsimFlightInputSSIM flight data input
- SsimFlightModificationInputSSIM flight data to modify SCHED flight
- SsimSettingRepresents single SSIM setting.
- SsimSettingFileTransportInputSSIM setting file transport input
- SsimSettingInputSSIM setting input
- SubcharterAmenitiesRepresents single aircraft amenities
- SubcharterAmenitiesInputRepresents single subcharter amenities
- SubcharterAvinodeMessageInput
- SubcharterDocument
- SubcharterFileRepresents single subcharter file.
- SubcharterFlightWatchInputSubcharter Flight Watch input data
- SubcharterMailboxMessageRepresents single Subcharter Mailbox Message
- SubcharterMessageRepresents single message for subcharter quote
- SubcharterMessageAttachmentIdIdentifier for a single attachment to subcharter message.
- SubcharterMessageContentContent of single subcharter message.
- SubcharterModified
- SubcharterModifiedContact
- SubcharterModifiedPassengerList
- SubcharterModifiedQuoteRequestBuyer
- SubcharterModifiedQuoteRequestRepresentative
- SubcharterSafetyRatingsInputRepresents single safety rating
- SubscriptionRepresents all subscriptions exposed by Leon API
- SubscriptionWebhook
- Tag
- TagDefinition
- TagDefinitionInputTag definition input
- TagInput
- TagSettingsMutation
- TahTacFlightsIntegrity
- TemplateDataInputTypeTemplate data input
- TemplateForDocumentDataPartsInput
- TemplateNewRepresents single template
- TemplateNewForDocument
- TemplateSetting
- TemplateSettingsInputTypeTemplate settings input
- Timezone
- TravelDocumentRepresents document that can be associated with crew member or passenger on flight.
- TravelDocumentsContactInput
- TravelDocumentsRecognition
- TravelDocumentsSubscriptionSubscriptions related to Travel Documents
- TravelDocumentsUploaded
- TripRepresents single trip belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- TripCreateData for create trip
- TripForNewQuoteRequestTrip for quote request creation
- TripNotes
- TripQueryNode for trip queries
- TripSimple
- TripUpdateData for update trip
- UpdateCreditNotePaidViolationnull
- UpdateHoldItemInput
- UpdateInvoiceIsPaidViolationnull
- UpdateRechargeInvoicePaidViolationnull
- UpdateViolationnull
- UserPermanentlyDeletedRepresents single user which was permanently deleted
- UserProfileContains basic information about user profile.
- ValidateContactDataInput
- ValidateContactNationalIdDataInput
- ValidateContactPassportDataInput
- ValidateContactVisaDataInput
- WebhookMutationSection
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.