The Upload
special type represents a file to be uploaded in the same HTTP request as specified by
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Upload
link Require by
- ChecklistFileTypeRepresents single Checklist file
- ContactVaccinationInput
- CrewMemberAirportEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of airport personal endorsement
- CrewMemberEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of personal endorsement
- CrewMemberMobileEndorsementInputTypeData for modification of personal endorsement from Crew App
- CrewTravelMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Crew Travel node
- DutyRequestInputRepresents set of duty request data
- FlightSupportFlightServiceFilesMutation
- IataMessagesQueryNode for IATA messages
- IntegrationAircraftDocumentInput
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogInputNewJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogMutationNode for Journey Log modifications
- JourneyLogMutationNewNode for Journey Log modifications
- MutationRepresents all mutations exposed by Leon API
- NationalIdInputData for creating a national id, must be used in context of some contact
- NationalIdPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a national id.
- PassengerListMutationNode for passenger list modifications
- PassportInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportPutInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportUpdateInputData for updating a passport.
- PassportVisaPutInputData for creating a visa, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportVisaPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a visa.
- PhonebookMutationRepresents fields available for mutating contacts from Phonebook
- SubcharterDocumentInput
- TravelDocumentsMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Travel Documents