Flight numerical identifier
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar FlightNid
link Require by
- ChecklistMutationNode for checklist mutation
- ChecklistQueryChecklist query endpoint
- ContactFlight
- CountryPermitQuery
- CrewAppChecklistQueryChecklist query endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppDocumentManagerSection
- CrewAppFlightRepresents single flight activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppFlightQuery
- crewList
- CrewMemberId
- CrewNotesIdInputIdentification for existing crew note for specific crew member on a specific flight.
- CrewPanelRepresents fields available for Crew Panel module
- CrewPanelActivityHistoryFlightEntry represents flight state at current timestamp
- CrewPanelAssignCrewRecordRepresents single record for assign crew on flight
- CrewPanelCrewQuerySection
- CrewPanelPositionSuggestion
- CrewPanelRemoveCrewRecordRepresents single record for remove crew on flight
- DocumentManagerSection
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- ExternalMarketplaceMutation
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlightUpsertInput
- FleetPlanningTrip
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightCrewMutation
- FlightFuelPricesMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of fuel prices for flight
- FlightMutationQuery
- FlightPermitMutationMutation to change flight permits.
- FlightPermitQuery
- FlightsChangesFlights created, modified or deleted in selected period
- FlightsQueryNode for flights queries
- FlightSupportFlight
- FlightSupportMutation
- FlightSupportQuery
- FlightTrainingCreateInputData required for creation of a new flight training.
- FlightTrainingIdInputIdentification for existing flight training for specific crew member on a specific flight.
- FlightUpdateInputData for update single flight
- FlightWatchInputFlight Watch input data
- FlightWatchQueryNode for Flight Watch data
- FliteBriefMutation
- ForeFlightLegTime
- ForeFlightMutation
- ForeFlightQuery
- FuelMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of fuel
- FuelQuery
- GovlinkMutation
- GovlinkQuery
- HistoryActivityCrewReportingTimeRepresents reporting time state at given timestamp
- HistoryActivityFlightRepresents flight state at given timestamp
- IataMessagesMutationIATA messages mutation
- IataMessagesQueryNode for IATA messages
- IntegrationFlightQuery
- InteractiveAPI
- InteractiveAPIMutation
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogMutationNode for Journey Log modifications
- JourneyLogQueryNode for Journey Log queries
- LegGovlinkProcess
- LegPnrGoProcess
- LoggedUserLogged user data
- MultiLegFlightSummaryMessages
- MultiLegMutationNode for multi leg modifications
- MultiLegQueryNode for multi leg queries
- MultiLegSuppliersInputRepresents multi leg suppliers input
- MutationRepresents all mutations exposed by Leon API
- MyOwnerBoardLogged user owner board data
- NavBlueMutation
- PairingRosterizeInput
- PassengerListMutationNode for passenger list modifications
- PnrGoMutation
- PnrGoQuery
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- RosterizePairingMutationSection
- RouteFinderQuery
- TagSettingType
- TripPlanChangeInput