A "null" as string will clear the resource.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar CountryCode
link Require by
- AircraftCreateData for create single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftInsuranceExcludedCountryInputRepresents single country with allowed airports
- AircraftUpdateData for modifying single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ChecklistItemCountryOffsetInput
- ContactAddressInput
- CountryDirectoryMutation
- CountryDirectoryQuery
- CountryPermitMutation
- CountryPermitQuery
- CrewMemberCreateInputRepresents data for creating single crew member.
- CrewMemberEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of personal endorsement
- CrewMemberExternalEndorsementInputTypeData for creation and updating of personal endorsement form external source
- CrewMemberNationalIdMutationSection
- CrewMemberUpdateInputRepresents data for updating single crew member. Null values will be ignored.
- DefaultTravelDocumentCountryCriteriaInput
- FlightCountryPermitInput
- FlightPermitMutationMutation to change flight permits.
- FlightPermitsMutation
- FlightSupportMutation
- FlightSupportQuery
- InteractiveApiReportStatusAuthorityInput
- LegGovlinkProcessInputData for Leg GOVlink process
- LegPnrGoProcessInputData for Leg PNR GO process
- NationalIdInputData for creating a national id, must be used in context of some contact
- NationalIdPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a national id.
- PassengerContactRepresents single passenger contact
- PassengerContactDetailsInputPassenger details input.
- PassengerForTravelDocumentsDocumentInput
- PassengerForTravelDocumentsInput
- PassportInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportPutInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportUpdateInputData for updating a passport.
- PassportVisaPutInputData for creating a visa, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportVisaPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a visa.
- PhonebookCompanyCreateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookCompanyUpdateInputRepresents company input type
- PhonebookPassportCreateInput
- PhonebookPassportVisaInput
- PhonebookPersonCreateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookPersonUpdateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeCreateInputRepresents company representative input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeUpdateInputRepresents company representative input type
- QuoteRequestWithWebhookRequester
- TravelDocumentFilterInputRepresents data for filter travel document list.
- TravelDocumentsContactInput