Represents fields available for mutating of fuel prices for flight
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type FlightFuelPricesMutation {
- # Requires access to resource FUEL_EDIT.
- # Requires access to given flight
- #
- # Arguments
- # flightNid:
- # for:
- # fuelPrices:
- # Possible violation list: IS_NOT_SOME_ERROR
- (
- FlightNid!, :
- Route!, :
- FuelPriceInput!]! : [
- ): FlightFuelPricesMutationPutFuelPricesOutput!
- # Requires access to resource FUEL_EDIT.
- # Requires access to given flight
- #
- # Arguments
- # flightNid:
- # for:
- # fuelPrices:
- # Possible violation list: IS_NOT_SOME_ERROR
- (
- FlightNid!, :
- Route!, :
- FuelPriceInputBasic!]! : [
- ): FlightFuelPricesMutationDeleteFuelPricesOutput!
- # Update and get all possible fuel prices for locations. Also return all assigned
- # fuel prices to flight if flightNid is passed.
- # Requires access to resource GRAPHQL_FUEL_SEE.
- # Requires access to given flight
- #
- # Arguments
- # departure:
- # destination:
- # fuelPriceType:
- # isCommercial:
- # flightNid:
- (
- AirportCodeScalar!, :
- AirportCodeScalar!, :
- FuelPriceType!, :
- Boolean, :
- FlightNid :
- ): FlightFuelPricesWithWarningsOutput!
- }