Represents operator data in Leon
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Operator {
- Int! :
- String! :
- String! :
- PaymentBillingOptions :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- String! :
- String! :
- String :
- Int! :
- Int! :
- # Requires access to resource GRAPHQL_ACFT
- Aircraft!]! : [
- OperatorAgreement! :
- OperatorBase!]! : [
- OperatorBase :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- String! :
- String! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- OperatorPaymentSystem! :
- activeModule!]! : [
- AOC!]! : [
- OperatorSetting! :
- # Arguments
- # name:
- String): [Role!]! ( :
- Position!]! : [
- # Arguments
- # wildcard:
- String): [DutyTagDefinition!]! ( :
- # Requires access to resource GRAPHQL_CONTACT
- Contact :
- }
link Require by
- AcftFileRepresents aircraft file list
- AcftFilterRepresents single aircraft filter
- AcftPosRepresents aircraft position type
- AcftPriceListRepresents aircraft price list
- AcftVirtualRepresents single virtual aircraft
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftDocumentDefinition
- AircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AptPriceFeeOperator
- AptPriceListRepresents airport price list
- Checklist
- Client
- ContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewPanelFilterValues of filter set in Crew Panel by particular user.
- DutyRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyTagDefinition
- EmailTemplateRepresents single email template
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- Endorsement
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- Handling
- IntegrationAvinode
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- Leg
- MyAircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- PassengerListInformation about passengers either as contacts or in textual form
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteRealizationNotes
- QuoteRequestRepresents single quote request belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- Role
- RolePermission
- TemplateNewRepresents single template
- TemplateNewForDocument