link GraphQL Schema definition
- type CrewPanelDutySection {
- # Check, if given duties set collides with any existing duty..
- # Cannot create more than 150 duties at once
- #
- # Arguments
- # loginDateList:
- # dutyDefinitionNid:
- # Possible violation list: IS_NOT_SOME_ERROR
- # startTime: If not provided, time from duty definition will be
- # used
- # endTime: If not provided, time from duty definition will be
- # used
- # includeDrafts:
- # timeZoneToggle:
- # locationNid:
- (
- CrewPanelLoginDatesInput!]!, : [
- ApiDutyDefinitionNidScalar!, :
- Time, :
- Time, :
- Boolean!, :
- TimeZoneToggle!, :
- LocationNid :
- ): Boolean!
- }