Date and time expressed according to ISO 8601, ex. 2019-06-05, 2019-06-05T12:00:00
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar DateTime
link Require by
- AccessTokenRepresents single access token
- AcftModelFlightTimeCalculationInput
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftActivitiesItem
- AircraftActivitiesSectionRepresents fields related to aircraft activities module
- AircraftAvailabilityRecordRepresents information about aircraft availability on specified location from specified time.
- AircraftAvailabilitySectionRepresents fields related to aircraft availability module
- AircraftCrewTemporarySection
- AircraftDocumentHistoryEntry
- AircraftEngine
- AircraftFixedRouteRepresents fixed routes for given aircraft
- AircraftMaintenanceRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftMaintenanceCreateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftMaintenanceUpdateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftPriceListFixedRouteInput
- AircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftReservationHistoryEntry
- AirportRepresents single airport
- AirportDate
- AirportDirectoryRepresents airport directory (i.e. handlers, fuel suppliers, hotels) data
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsSegment
- ApiAirportOpenHoursRepresents info when the airport is open
- ApiAirportSunriseSunsetRepresents the time of sun rise and sun set
- ApiDateTimeInputDate Time input/delete
- ApiKeyHistory
- AviapagesFlightTimeCalculationInput
- AvinodeFlightTimeCalculationInput
- ContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon
- ContactBasicHistorySnapshotRepresents basic history for a contact.
- ContactDetailsHistorySnapshotRepresents details history for a contact.
- ContactDocumentsHistoryNationalId
- ContactDocumentsHistoryPassport
- ContactDocumentsHistorySnapshotRepresents documents history for a contact.
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVaccination
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVisa
- ContactFlight
- ContactInvoice
- ContactQueryNode for contact queries
- ContactVaccination
- CrewAppFlightRepresents single flight activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppFlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg restricted for crew app
- CrewAppHandlingAdepChecklistItem
- CrewAppHandlingAdesChecklistItem
- CrewAppNationalId
- CrewAppPositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppScheduleDuty
- CrewAppScheduleFlight
- CrewAppScheduleMaintenance
- CrewAppSchedulePositioning
- CrewAppScheduleReservation
- CrewAppScheduleSimulator
- CrewAppSlotAdepChecklistItem
- CrewAppSlotAdesChecklistItem
- CrewAvailabilityRecordRepresents information about aircraft availability on specified location from specified time.
- CrewAvailabilitySectionRepresents fields related to crew availability module
- CrewMemberCurrencySection
- CrewMemberEndorsementSection
- CrewMemberOnPositioning
- CrewPanelActivityInterfaceCommon interface for different activity types.
- CrewPanelCrewQuerySection
- CrewPanelDutyRepresents single duty activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelDutyType
- CrewPanelFlightType
- CrewPanelPositioningInput
- CrewPanelPositioningType
- CrewPanelSafteFastCalculationResult
- CrewPanelSimulatorType
- CrewTravelPotentialPositioning
- CrewTravelSabreImportRepresents single import
- CrewTravelToModifyPositioning
- DutyRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyClockInOutData according duty clock in and clock out
- DutyForSubscriptionRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutySection
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- EstimatedTime
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthActivity
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthAircraftAvailabilityRecord
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthAvailability
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlight
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlightCreateInput
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlightUpsertInput
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthReservation
- FatigueRiskManagement
- FatigueRiskManagementDutyFatigue Risk Management Duty
- FeasibilityCheckFlightSingle flight details
- FileRepresents file
- FileHistoryHistory of files for resource
- FleetPlanningTrip
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightChecklistItemDueDate
- FlightCreateData for create single flight
- FlightOps
- FlightsQueryNode for flights queries
- FlightSupportFlight
- FlightSupportMessage
- FlightSupportQuery
- FlightSupportRelatedFlight
- FlightSupportSlotChecklistItem
- FlightUpdateData for update single flight
- FlightUpdateInputData for update single flight
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- FlightWatchHistoryEntry
- FlightWatchQueryNode for Flight Watch data
- ForeFlightFlightTimeCalculationInput
- FtlCalculations
- FtlDutyContains information regarding single FTL duty.
- FtlLegSchedule
- FtlSectorContains information regarding single FTL sector, which is a part of FTL duty.
- HandlingAdepChecklistItem
- HandlingAdesChecklistItem
- HilHistoryEntry
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculationInput
- HistoryChangeRepresents single change in history
- HotelReservationField represent one hotel reservation
- HotelReservationInputRepresents set of hotel reservation data.
- InteractiveApiReportStatus
- InteractiveApiReportStatusInput
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- JourneyLogHistoryEntry
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogInputNewJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogQueryNode for Journey Log queries
- Last36hRestFtlLimitedValue
- Leg
- LegGovlinkProcess
- LegGovlinkProcessInputData for Leg GOVlink process
- LegMission
- LegMissionInputData for Leg mission
- LegPnrGoProcess
- LegPnrGoProcessInputData for Leg PNR GO process
- MailboxMessageContent of mailbox message
- MaintenanceHistoryEntry
- MaintenanceQueryNode for maintenance queries
- MultiLegMutationNode for multi leg modifications
- MyAircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- MyFlightWatchNode represent one flight watch data
- MyHotelReservationNode represent one hotel reservation
- MyJourneyLogNode represent one journey log data
- MyLogbook
- MyTrRevisionNode represent one activity row owned by logged user
- NationalId
- NationalIdHistory
- NewsfeedMaintenanceRepresents newsfeed maintenance
- NonNullDateTimeValuenull
- PassengerListHistory
- PassportHistory
- PersonalAirportEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement for airport
- PersonalAirportEndorsementHistorySnapshotRepresents history for personal airport endorsement
- PersonalAirportEndorsementSnapshotRepresents changed data in personal airport endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementHistorySnapshotRepresents history for personal endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementSnapshotRepresents changed data in personal endorsement
- PhonebookGetExportHistoryForContact
- PositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity.
- PositioningCreateStores data for “add positioning” operation
- PositioningHistoryData
- PositioningHistorySnapshotRepresents history for a positioning.
- PositioningUpdateData for modifying single positioning
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteChangeStatusMutation
- QuoteRealizationHistory
- QuoteRealizationLegRepresents single quote realization leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRealizationLegCreateData for create single Realization Leg
- QuoteRealizationLegEditData for edit single Realization Leg
- QuoteRealizationLegInput
- QuoteRealizationPricingHistory
- QuoteRequesterListStatsRowRepresents single row statistics for requester
- QuoteRequestHistory
- QuoteRequestMessage
- QuoteRequestMessageInfo
- QuoteRequestMessageReceivedInformation about newly received quote request message.
- ReportWizardDateFiltersInputTypeDate filter used in report wizard
- ReportWizardRequestedReportRepresents report wizard requested report
- ReportWizardScheduleRepresents single report wizard schedule.
- ReportWizardSharedLinkRepresents report wizard shared link
- ReportWizardTypeRepresents single report from Report Wizard.
- RequiredHotelReservationRepresents single hotel reservation required for a crew member
- RfqQuoteLeg
- RoleAircraftListHistoryEntry
- RolePlacesHistoryEntry
- RoleUsersHistoryEntry
- RouteFinderFlightTimeCalculationInput
- SalesApplyFlightTimeLegInput
- SalesFindAircraftLegInput
- SalesforceLogSnapshot
- SalesInvoicesQuery
- SalesQueryNode for Sales queries
- SchedExcelFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SchedExcelFlightInputSCHED excel flight data input
- SchedExcelFlightModificationInputExcel data to modify SCHED flight
- SchedFlightRepresents single SCHED flight.
- SchedSpecifiedFlightInput
- ScheduledTimeFromBlockTimeInput
- SlotAdepChecklistItem
- SlotAdesChecklistItem
- SsimFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SsimFlightInputSSIM flight data input
- SsimFlightModificationInputSSIM flight data to modify SCHED flight
- SsimSentRepresents single SSIM sent message data.
- SubcharterDocument
- SubcharterMailboxMessageRepresents single Subcharter Mailbox Message
- SubcharterMessageRepresents single message for subcharter quote
- SubcharterModifiedLeg
- SubcharterModifiedQuoteRequest
- SubcharterQueryRepresents fields available for querying of subcharter
- TimeIntervalInputRepresents an interval between two ISO8601 dates
- Timezone
- TripRepresents single trip belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- UserPermanentlyDeletedRepresents single user which was permanently deleted
- VirtualFtlSectorCalculationFlightWatchInputRepresents flight watch input.
- WeeklyRest