Time expressed according to ISO 8601, ex. 11:12
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Time
link Require by
- AcftModelFlightTimeCalculation
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ApiDutyInputRepresents set of duty data to set on particular duty.
- ApiTimeInputTime input/delete
- AutoTime
- AutoTimeInput
- AviapagesFlightTimeCalculation
- AvinodeFlightTimeCalculation
- CrewAppFlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg restricted for crew app
- CrewAppScheduleFlight
- CrewPanelDutySection
- DistanceProfileAircraft distance profile
- DutyRequestInputRepresents set of duty request data
- EstimatedTime
- FeasibilityCheckFlightSingle flight details
- FlightsQueryNode for flights queries
- FlightSupportMutation
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- FlightWatchHistoryEntry
- ForeFlightFlightTimeCalculation
- ForeFlightLegTime
- ForeFlightMutation
- ForeFlightQuery
- FtlLegSchedule
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculation
- HourIntervalInputRepresents an interval between two ISO8601 hours, ex. 08:30.
- HoursRecurrenceRepresents hours recurrence entry
- HoursRecurrenceInput
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- JourneyLogHistoryEntry
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogInputNewJourney Log input data
- LeonMarketplaceTripRequestItineraryLegInput
- LoggedUserDutyMutation
- MyLegNode represent one leg data
- OwnerAppQuoteRequestLegInput
- PairingInputRepresents single Schedule pairing data
- PairingLocalTimeInputRepresents single Schedule pairing data
- PassengerContactDetailsInputPassenger details input.
- QuoteRealizationLegCreateData for create single Realization Leg
- QuoteRealizationLegEditData for edit single Realization Leg
- QuoteRealizationLegInput
- ReportWizardScheduleFrequencyRepresents single report wizard schedule frequency.
- ReportWizardScheduleMutation
- RfqItineraryInput
- RouteFinderFlightTimeCalculation
- SalesApplyFlightTimeLeg
- SalesApplyFlightTimeLegInput
- SalesFindAircraftLegInput
- SalesTripSummaryLeg
- SchedFlightRepresents single SCHED flight.
- ScheduledTimeFromBlockTimeInput
- ScheduleMutationNode for Schedule modifications
- VirtualFtlSectorCalculationLegScheduleInputRepresents schedule for leg input.