The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric
values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- AcftDistanceProfileRepresents single aircraft distance profile.
- AcftFilterRepresents single aircraft filter
- AcftPosRepresents aircraft position type
- AcftPriceListRepresents aircraft price list
- AcftPriceListFee
- AcftPriceListFeeCateringSettings
- AcftPriceListFeePercentDiscount
- AcftVirtualRepresents single virtual aircraft
- activeModuleRepresents single active operator module
- activeModuleForAircraftRepresents single active operator module for aircraft
- activeModuleForAircraftInputRepresents single active operator module for aircraft
- ActivityInterfaceCommon interface for different activity types.
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftActivitiesItem
- AircraftCategoryRepresents single airport category.
- AircraftCreateData for create single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftCrewTemporaryChangesTemporary assignments to aircraft created, modified or deleted in selected period
- AircraftDocumentRepresents documents for single aircraft.
- AircraftDocumentDefinition
- AircraftDocumentDefinitionInput
- AircraftEmailTemplate
- AircraftEngine
- AircraftFixedRouteAirportRepresents airports in order for given fixed route
- AircraftFloatingBasePositioningPolicySalesSetting
- AircraftInsurance
- AircraftMaintenanceRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftMaintenanceCreateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftMaintenanceUpdateInputRepresents data required to create aircraft maintenance.
- AircraftMutation
- AircraftPerformanceSpeedRepresents single aircraft performance speed.
- AircraftPerformanceSpeedInputAircraft performance speed
- AircraftPositioningFlightsPolicySetting
- AircraftPriceListFeeCateringInput
- AircraftPriceListFeeDiscountInput
- AircraftPriceListFeePercentInput
- AircraftPriceListFeePriceCostInput
- AircraftPriceListFeeWithMinimumInput
- AircraftPriceListFixedRouteInput
- AircraftPriceListThresholdHoursFeeInput
- AircraftPriceListThresholdNumberFeeInput
- AircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- AircraftSelectedDocument
- AircraftTahTacDataInput
- AircraftTypeRepresents single aircraft type
- AircraftUpdateData for modifying single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AirportRepresents single airport
- AirportDetails
- AirportDirectoryServicesOnFutureFlightsHandlerResult
- AirportDirectoryServicesOnFutureFlightsSupplierResult
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsPassengerList
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsSegment
- AirportDirectorySuppliersOnFutureFlightsTrip
- AirportPriceListFeeInput
- AirportPriceListItemFeeInput
- AirportPriceListItemInput
- AirportPriceListMutationSection
- AirportTag
- AOCAOC associated with operator
- ApiDutyFromWorkPlanInputRepresents set of duty data to set on particular duty from work plan.
- ApiKeyRepresents single API key belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- ApiKeyHistory
- ApiKeyUpdateData for modifying single API key belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AptdirCountryNotes
- AptdirHandlerRepresents single handling agent belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AptdirRestriction
- AptdirSupplier
- AptdirTag
- AptPriceListRepresents airport price list
- AptPriceListFeeOrder
- AptPriceListItem
- AptPriceListItemFee
- AviapagesFlightTimeCalculationInput
- AvinodeFlightTimeCalculationInput
- CargoInput
- Checklist
- ChecklistDefTypeRepresents single checklistDefinition
- ChecklistExtra
- ChecklistItem
- ChecklistItemStatusResetRule
- ChecklistSectionOrder
- ChecklistSectionOrderInput
- ChecklistStatusResetGlobalRule
- ChecklistStatusTypeRepresents single checklist status
- ContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon
- ContactDetailsHistoryData
- ContactDocumentsHistoryNationalId
- ContactDocumentsHistoryPassport
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVaccination
- ContactDocumentsHistoryVisa
- ContactDuplicationFilter
- ContactEmail
- ContactEmailInput
- ContactFlight
- ContactPhone
- ContactPhoneInput
- ContactQueryNode for contact queries
- ContactsChangesContact created, modified or deleted in selected period
- ContactSearchFilterInput
- ContactWeight
- ContactWeightInput
- ContactWorkEmailData
- Continent
- ContractQueryNode for contract queries
- CountryRepresents single country
- CountryGroup
- CountryLandingPermit
- CountryLandingPermitInput
- CountryOverflightPermit
- CountryOverflightPermitInput
- CountryRequiredLandingPermit
- CountryRequiredOverflightPermit
- CreateHoldItemInput
- CrewAppAircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAirportRepresents single airport restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAptdirHandlerRepresents single handling agent belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppAptdirRestriction
- CrewAppAptdirSupplier
- CrewAppChecklist
- CrewAppChecklistDefTypeRepresents single checklistDefinition restricted for crew app
- CrewAppChecklistItemChecklist item restricted for crew app
- CrewAppContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon restricted for crew app
- CrewAppCrewMemberOnLeg
- CrewAppFileSimple
- CrewAppFlightRepresents single flight activity restricted for crew app.
- CrewAppFlightFuelSupplier
- CrewAppFlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg restricted for crew app
- CrewAppFuelChecklistItem
- CrewAppHil
- CrewAppHotelRepresents single hotel belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app
- CrewAppLegPermit
- CrewAppLoginRepresents login data (like login, code, etc in application) in Leon restricted for crew app
- CrewAppLuggageChecklistItem
- CrewAppNationalId
- CrewAppPassengerContact
- CrewAppPassengerList
- CrewAppPassport
- CrewAppQuery
- CrewAppScheduleDuty
- CrewAppScheduleFilter
- CrewAppScheduleFlight
- CrewAppScheduleMaintenance
- CrewAppSchedulePositioning
- CrewAppScheduleReservation
- CrewAppScheduleSimulator
- CrewAppTagDefinition
- CrewAppTripRepresents single trip belonging to operator specified in request endpoint restricted for crew app.
- CrewDutiesFilterValues of filter set in Crew Duties by particular user.
- crewList
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewMemberBreak
- CrewMemberCurrencySection
- CrewMemberDutiesAmountContains information about amount of duties for crew member.
- CrewMemberDutiesDetailsContains information about details of duties amounts for crew member.
- CrewMemberEndorsementSection
- CrewMemberHighestRank
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceInputRepresents data for crew member experience.
- CrewMemberOnLeg
- CrewMemberOnPositioning
- CrewPanelRepresents fields available for Crew Panel module
- CrewPanelActivityHistoryFlightEntry represents flight state at current timestamp
- CrewPanelAircraftRepresents aircraft - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelAirportRepresents an airport - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelContactRepresents contact data - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelContactLabelRepresents label - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelCrewMemberRepresents a person - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelDayConfirmationStatusRepresents a confirmation status for day and login
- CrewPanelDraftDayRepresents a day, that has some draft changes
- CrewPanelDutyRepresents single duty activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelFilterToggleToggle for crew panel timezone and airport code.
- CrewPanelFlightRepresents single flight activity for crew panel
- CrewPanelFlightFilterSet of rules for fetching a collection of flights
- CrewPanelHighestRank
- CrewPanelHotelReservationEntry represents hotel reservation
- CrewPanelHotelReservationMutationSection
- CrewPanelMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Crew Panel node
- CrewPanelPosition
- CrewPanelPositioningRepresents single positioning for crew panel
- CrewPanelSimulatorRepresents single simulator for Crew Panel. This can be actual activity or activity created or modified in Crew Panel drafts.
- CrewPanelSimulatorInputData for creation of single simulator on Crew Panel.
- CrewPanelTemporaryAircraftRepresents temporary aircraft - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewProperty
- CrewTravelSabreImportRepresents single import
- CrewTravelSabreImportErrorRepresents single error in import
- DocumentTemplateVersion
- DuplicationContact
- DuplicationContactPassport
- DutyRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyChangesDuty created, modified or deleted in selected period
- DutyDefinitionRepresents single duty definition
- DutyForSubscriptionRepresents single duty belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- DutyTagDefinition
- DutyWorkPlanRepresents single work plan
- EapisRepresents single eAPIS contact data belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- EapisUpdateData for creating/updating person eAPIS data, belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- EmailTemplateRepresents single email template
- EmptyLegRepresents single flight activity.
- Endorsement
- EngineInput
- EngineOilUplift
- ExternalEndorsement
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthAircraft
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlight
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlightCreateInput
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthFlightUpsertInput
- ExternalMarketplaceOAuthReservation
- ExternalServiceMessageAttachmentInput
- FatigueRiskManagementDutyFatigue Risk Management Duty
- FeasibilityCheckFlightSingle flight details
- FerryFlightOutput
- FerryFlightPricingOutput
- FerryFlightQuery
- FileRepresents file
- FileInput
- FileSimple
- FilterPreset
- FindCompanyDuplicatesResponse
- FleetDocumentType
- FleetPlanningTrip
- FleetQuerySection
- FlightRepresents single flight activity.
- FlightCountryPermitInput
- FlightCreateData for create single flight
- FlightCustomer
- FlightCustomerFlight
- FlightCustomerMutation
- FlightCustomerPaxListType
- FlightFuelSupplier
- FlightsChangesFlights created, modified or deleted in selected period
- FlightsDataChangesFlights, whose related data was changed, during the selected time period
- FlightsQueryNode for flights queries
- FlightSupportAircraft
- FlightSupportFlight
- FlightSupportFuelChecklistItem
- FlightSupportMessage
- FlightSupportMessageType
- FlightUpdateData for update single flight
- FlightUpdateInputData for update single flight
- FlightWatchFlight Watch for a single flight or quote realisation subcharter leg
- FlightWatchChangesFlight Watch list created, modified or deleted in selected period
- FlightWatchHistoryEntry
- ForeFlightFlightTimeCalculationInput
- FtlCalculations
- FtlDayOffWithLimit
- FtlDutyContains information regarding single FTL duty.
- FtlLeg
- FtlLimitedValue
- FtlSectorContains information regarding single FTL sector, which is a part of FTL duty.
- FuelChecklistItem
- FuelFieldConfiguration
- FuelFlightPricesOutput
- FuelPriceOutput
- FuelSupplierRepresents single fuel supplier belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- FuelUnitType
- Handling
- Hil
- HilHistoryEntry
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculation
- HistoricalFlightTimeCalculationInput
- HistoryActivityFlightRepresents flight state at given timestamp
- HotelRepresents single hotel belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- HotelReservationsChangesHotel reservations created, modified or deleted in selected period
- IntegrationQueries
- IntegrationSchedUpdate
- JourneyLogJourney Log (also called Post Flight Report) for a single flight
- JourneyLogApproachCount
- JourneyLogApproachCountInput
- JourneyLogApproachTypeCount
- JourneyLogApproachTypeCountInput
- JourneyLogChangesJourney Logs created, modified or deleted in selected period
- JourneyLogConfigurationAircraftOilUplift
- JourneyLogConfigurationField
- JourneyLogDelay
- JourneyLogHistoryEntry
- JourneyLogInputJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogInputNewJourney Log input data
- JourneyLogQueryNode for Journey Log queries
- LabelRepresents contact label in Leon
- LanguagesQuery
- Last36hRestFtlLimitedValue
- Leg
- LegChecklistMessages
- LegHandlingRepresents handler information relevant to given flight.
- LegItems
- LegPermit
- LegPermitInputData for create or update leg permit
- LeonMarketplaceTripRequestItineraryLegInput
- ListOfNonNullIntValuenull
- LoggedUserChecklistSectionOrder
- LoginRepresents login data (like login, code, etc in application) in Leon
- LoginExperience
- LoginHomeRepresents history of homebase data
- LuggageChecklistItem
- MailboxConfig
- MailboxConfigInputType for creating and updating mailbox configuration
- MailboxConfigValidateInputType for creating and updating mailbox configuration
- MailboxMessageContent of mailbox message
- MaintenanceHistoryEntry
- MarketplaceRepresents sales marketplace in Leon
- MultiLegFlightSummaryMessages
- MultiLegQueryNode for multi leg queries
- MultiLegRequest
- MultiLegSummaryMessages
- MutationRepresents all mutations exposed by Leon API
- MvtRule
- MyAircraftRepresents single aircraft for logged user
- MyAircraftLocationRepresents aircraft location for date for logged user
- MyAircraftReservationRepresents single aircraft reservation activity.
- MyDutyRequest
- MyJourneyLogNode represent one journey log data
- MyLegNode represent one leg data
- MyLegPassengerList
- MyLogbook
- MyPersonalEndorsement
- MyTrRevisionNode represent one activity row owned by logged user
- NationalId
- NationalIdHistory
- NewsfeedMaintenanceRepresents newsfeed maintenance
- NonNullListOfNonNullIntValuenull
- Offer
- OperatorRepresents operator data in Leon
- OperatorAgreement
- OperatorBaseRepresents single Operator Base belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- OperatorJourneyLogSetting
- OperatorJourneyLogSettingsMutation
- OperatorModulesSettingsDiscountInput
- OperatorModulesSettingsDiscountOutput
- OperatorSettingsTraining
- OperatorSettingsTrainingInput
- operatorsModulesQuery
- OperatorTripTypeSettingsOperator trip type settings
- OpsDocumentMessageType
- OpsFuelOrderMessageType
- OpsMessageType
- OpsPermitMessageType
- OpsUnreadMessageCount
- OwnerAppPaxQueryNode for Owner App PAX queries
- PassengerContactRepresents single passenger contact
- PassengerContactAnimal
- PassengerContactDetailsInputPassenger details input.
- PassengerContactHistory
- PassengerContactInputPassenger input with contact and arrival departure passports. NOTE isLead field is deprecated!
- PassengerListInformation about passengers either as contacts or in textual form
- PassengerListHistory
- PassengerTextInputPassenger input with count and text
- PassportHistory
- PassportOutput
- PassportVisa
- PassportVisaPutInputData for creating a visa, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportVisaPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a visa.
- PassportVisaType
- PaxFilesInfo
- PersonalAirportEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement for airport
- PersonalEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementInterfaceCommon interface for personal endorsement.
- PersRatingsRepresents personal rating for aircraft
- PhonebookContactList
- PhonebookGetAssignedContactsResponse
- PhonebookPassportVisaInput
- PhonebookQuerySectionShares client data
- PositionRepresents position for aircraft
- PositioningRepresents single crew positioning activity.
- PositioningMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of positioning
- PositioningsChanges
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteDefaultInvoiceRepresents default quote invoice based on client.
- QuotePaxListInput
- QuoteRealizationRepresents single quote realization belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRealizationAircraftPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationAirportPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationAirportSubPriceHistory
- QuoteRealizationDocumentSent
- QuoteRealizationHistory
- QuoteRealizationLegRepresents single quote realization leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRealizationLegHistory
- QuoteRealizationPricingHistory
- QuoteRealizationSubcharterRepresents single quote realization with subcharter
- QuoteRealizationSubcharterInput
- QuoteRealizationTaxPriceHistory
- QuoteRequestRepresents single quote request belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRequestAircraft
- QuoteRequestAircraftHistory
- QuoteRequestBuyer
- QuoteRequesterListStatsRowRepresents single row statistics for requester
- QuoteRequesterStatusStatsChartDataRepresents status chart data for single status for requester
- QuoteRequesterStatusStatsStatisticRepresents status statistics for single status for requester
- QuoteRequestLegRepresents single quote request leg belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- QuoteRequestLegHistory
- QuoteRequestMessage
- QuoteRequestMessageIdIdentifier for single quote request message.
- QuoteRequestMessageIdInputIdentifier for single quote request message.
- QuoteRequestMessageInfo
- QuoteRequestStatus
- QuoteRequestSubcharterRequest
- QuoteRequestSubcharterRequestAircraft
- QuoteRequestTag
- QuoteRequestTagInputQuote request tag
- QuotesChangesQuotes with modified price or itinerary since given datetime.
- QuoteStatusChangeValidationResult
- ReportWizardColumnRepresents report wizard column definition
- ReportWizardDateFiltersInputTypeDate filter used in report wizard
- ReportWizardRequestedReportRepresents report wizard requested report
- ReportWizardScheduleRepresents single report wizard schedule.
- ReportWizardScheduleFrequencyRepresents single report wizard schedule frequency.
- ReportWizardScheduleMutation
- ReportWizardTypeRepresents single report from Report Wizard.
- RfqItineraryInput
- RfqQuoteLeg
- Role
- RouteAirport
- SaftefastCalculationStartResult
- SalesFindAircraftLegInput
- SalesFindAircraftResult
- SalesInvoicesQuery
- SalesMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Sales node
- SalesQuoteFeasibilityResultRepresents feasibility result for quote
- SalesQuoteLegFeasibilityResultRepresents feasibility result for single itinerary in quote
- SalesTripSummaryChecklistStatusRepresents single checklist status
- SchedFlightRepresents single SCHED flight.
- SimpleAirportTypeRepresents single airport
- Simulator
- SimulatorInputData for mutating simulator
- SimulatorTag
- SsimFlightRepresents single SSIM flight data.
- SsimFlightInputSSIM flight data input
- SubcharterFileRepresents single subcharter file.
- SubcharterMailboxMessageRepresents single Subcharter Mailbox Message
- SubcharterMessageRepresents single message for subcharter quote
- SubcharterMessageIdIdentifier for single subcharter message.
- SubcharterMessageIdInputIdentifier for single subcharter message.
- SubcharterModified
- SubcharterModifiedLeg
- SubcharterModifiedListSubcharter created, modified or deleted in selected period
- SubcharterModifiedPassengerList
- Tag
- TagDefinition
- TagDefinitionInputTag definition input
- TagInput
- TahTacFlightsIntegrity
- TemplateNewRepresents single template
- TemplateNewForDocument
- TimeReservationRepresents time reservation for arbitrary activity.
- Timezone
- TimezoneQuerytimezone details
- TimeZoneToggleToggle for timeZone
- TravelDocumentSection
- TripRepresents single trip belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- TripForNewQuoteRequestTrip for quote request creation
- TripsChangesTrips created, modified or deleted in selected period
- UpdateHoldItemInput
- UserProfileContains basic information about user profile.