Date expressed according to ISO 8601, ex. 2019-06-05. A "null" as string will clear the resource.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Date
link Require by
- AircraftRepresents single aircraft belonging to operator specified in request endpoint
- AircraftCrewTemporary
- AircraftDocumentRepresents documents for single aircraft.
- AircraftDocumentHistoryEntry
- AircraftDocumentInput
- AircraftDocumentType
- AircraftEngine
- AircraftTahTacDataInput
- ContactRepresents contact data (like phone, email, address etc.) in Leon
- ContactBasicHistoryData
- ContactCreateInputData for creating contact
- ContactUpdateInputData for updating an existing contact
- ContactVaccinationInput
- Contract
- ContractInput
- CreateHoldItemInput
- CrewAppHil
- CrewMemberRepresents a person, who has at least one rating for aircraft.
- CrewMemberAirportEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of airport personal endorsement
- CrewMemberCreateInputRepresents data for creating single crew member.
- CrewMemberCurrency
- CrewMemberEndorsementExpiringInputTypeData for creation of personal endorsement expiring
- CrewMemberEndorsementFilterInputRepresents data for filter endorsement list.
- CrewMemberEndorsementInputTypeData for creation of personal endorsement
- CrewMemberExternalEndorsementInputTypeData for creation and updating of personal endorsement form external source
- CrewMemberLoginExperienceInputRepresents data for crew member experience.
- CrewMemberMutationTemporaryAssignment
- CrewMemberTemporaryAssignmentInputTypeRepresents single temporary assigment for crew member
- CrewMemberTravelDocumentRepresents documents for crew members.
- CrewMemberUpdateInputRepresents data for updating single crew member. Null values will be ignored.
- CrewPanelCrewMemberRepresents a person - optimized for crew calendar
- CrewPanelDutyMutationSection
- CrewPanelLoginDatesInputRepresents single crew member and a list of days on which changes will be applied.
- CrewPanelMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Crew Panel node
- CrewPanelTemporaryAircraftRepresents temporary aircraft - optimized for crew calendar
- DateIntervalInputRepresents an interval between two ISO8601 dates
- DateOrNeverEither date or never
- DateWithBlockHoursLimitInputRepresents number of hours to use, start from ISO8601 date
- DutyAccountScheduledChangeRepresents single duty account scheduled change
- DutyAccountScheduledChangeInput
- DutyListEditInputSet of data for editing common duty data.
- DutyMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Duty node
- DutyRequestInputRepresents set of duty request data
- EngineInput
- FlightMutationQuery
- FlightSupportCrewMember
- FlightSupportPassengerContact
- FlightSupportTravelDocument
- FtlLoginDayViolation
- Hil
- HilHistoryEntry
- HistorySection
- IntegrationAircraftDocument
- IntegrationAircraftDocumentInput
- LeonMarketplaceTripPassengerListLegInput
- LeonMarketplaceTripRequestItineraryLegInput
- LoggedUserHistoryMutation
- LoginExperience
- MaintenanceHistoryEntry
- MyLogbook
- MyPersonalEndorsement
- NationalId
- NationalIdInputData for creating a national id, must be used in context of some contact
- NationalIdPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a national id.
- OperatorSetting
- OperatorSettingsTraining
- OperatorSettingsTrainingInput
- OwnerAppQuoteRequestLegInput
- PassportInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportOutput
- PassportPutInputData for creating a passport, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportUpdateInputData for updating a passport.
- PassportVisa
- PassportVisaPutInputData for creating a visa, must be used in context of some contact
- PassportVisaPutOrUpdateInputData for updating a visa.
- PersonalAirportEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement for airport
- PersonalEndorsementRepresents personal endorsement
- PersonalEndorsementExpiringRepresents data about expiring of personal endorsement
- PhonebookPassportCreateInput
- PhonebookPassportVisaInput
- PhonebookPersonCreateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookPersonUpdateInputRepresents person input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeCreateInputRepresents company representative input type
- PhonebookRepresentativeUpdateInputRepresents company representative input type
- RfqItineraryInput
- SalesforceLogsQuery
- SubcharterDocumentInput
- TravelDocumentsContactInput
- TravelDocumentsRecognition
- UnconfirmedRosterDateTypeUnconfirmed roster date flight
- UpdateHoldItemInput
- VirtualFtlSectorCalculationLegScheduleInputRepresents schedule for leg input.