Quote Realization numerical identifier
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar QuoteRealizationNid
link Require by
- ChangedInJourneyLogRealizationMutationOperations related with realization itinerary changed in JourneyLog
- ChangedInOpsRealizationMutationOperations related with realization itinerary changed in OPS
- ExternalServiceMessageInput
- MiraipayMutationNode for Miraipay mutations
- MutationRepresents all mutations exposed by Leon API
- OtherPriceMutation
- OutdatedRealizationMutationOperation related with outdated realization
- QueryRepresents all root fields exposed by Leon API
- QuoteChangeStatusAvinodeContractInput
- QuoteChangeStatusMutation
- QuoteRealizationInput
- QuoteRequestAgreementEnvelopeInput
- QuoteSetUsedInput
- QuoteTripDeleteInput
- QuoteTripUpdateInput
- SalesAppQuoteRequestChangeStatusMutation
- SalesCarbonOffsetDefinitionMutation
- SalesMutationRepresents fields available for mutating of Sales node
- SalesQueryNode for Sales queries
- SubcharterModified